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At Denham Green E-Act Primary Academy we recognise the importance of PE to the health and well being of our children.

We also value the impact that high quality teaching of P.E and the participation in extra-curricular activities can have on children’s concentration and attainment.

We are committed to ensure that all pupils receive a minimum of 2 hours of P.E per week.

Due to the sports funding provided by the government, we have been able to employ a sports coach. He is working alongside the teachers to deliver high quality P.E lessons as well as providing a wide range of after school sports clubs, both for team and individual sports.

76% of our Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

Please see below for information on our P.E and sport premium funding.

Sports Premium Strategy 2023-2024









We recommend
PE and sport premium
PE and sport premium
PE and sport premium