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As we build back from the pandemic, we remain more committed than ever to support pupils who may have fallen behind through no fault of their own. For that reason, we are holding a series of virtual booster sessions in English and mathematics to cover additional content and ensure that every pupil has the skills to fulfil their potential. 

Our sessions will be taking place during the whole 2021-2022 academic year starting on Monday 13th September (date may be subject to change) and will run every term-time week from Monday to Thursday. There will be one E-ACT teacher per year group and E-ACT pupils across the country will be able to attend their year group’s session online.  

The sessions will alternate daily between Maths and English and will also alternate weekly. For Years 2-5 the sessions will start at 4pm and for Year 6 they will start at 4.30pm.

We are envisioning the timetable looking like this: 

Any questions? 

Should you have any further questions about the booster sessions please speak to your class teacher who can be contacted via Dojo. 

We recommend
English and mathematics booster sessions 
English and mathematics booster sessions 
English and mathematics booster sessions