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Dear parent/carer, 

I hope my message finds you and your family well. 

am writing to reassure you that we will be doing everything in our power to protect your child’s health and wellbeing when we re-open our academy to reception, year 1 and year 6 pupils following the government’s latest announcement. 

We will do whatever we can to ensure that our children are as safe as possible while in our academy, however, we feel this can only be achieved if we reduce the number of staff and pupils in our building at any one time 

It is why we have taken the decision to stagger pupil returns so that no pupil or member of staff will be in academy full time from 1st June. We will share a detailed timetable with you in the coming week so you know exactly what this means for your child.  

We will also continue to ensure that the children of our key workers and our most vulnerable pupils have a safe place to be every working day of the week, and our children at home have the support they need from their teachers.  

want to reassure you that we will continue to work closely with the Department for Education, our staff and with you to ensure our pupils return to the safest possible environment when we re-open. Detailed plans on everything from classroom set up, social distancing measures and deep clean arrangements will also be shared with you in the coming week. 

Please know that we will do everything we can to keep your child safe, and I hope the measures outlined above will go at least some way to help allay some of the anxieties naturally being felt by parents and carers at this time. 

I thank you again for your continued support, and I would like to remind you to stay in close contact with us. We are in this together, so please do let us know if we can help you in anyway. 

Yours sincerely, 

Mr Nocera, Headteacher

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Message from Headteacher
Message from Headteacher
Message from Headteacher