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During the month of October, schools up and down the country learn about Black History…and Denham Green E-ACT Primary Academy was no exception.

Kicking off with a whole-school assembly to start Black History Month off, on Friday 19th October the staff at Denham Green came off timetable to have a ’Curriculum Day’ celebrating Black History month. Within each key stage, every teacher planned one activity around Black History, and the classes rotated round, allowing them to learn from all of the staff. Some of the topics included using computing skills to research the role of civil rights activists; learning more about famous women (such as Rosa Parks and Mary Seacole) and also including learning through a variety of subjects, covering art, writing, history, design & technology, computing and sports.

The children really enjoyed their learning day, and it was an excellent opportunity for staff to teach different classes and share their expertise across the whole Academy. Now we can look forward to our next Curriculum Day, at the end of the Autumn Term!

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Black History
Black History
Black History