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Dear parents and carers,
Thank-you for your continuous support in these uncertain times. To put your minds at ease, we are constantly in communication with both E-ACT centrally as well as local government/DfE; as soon as we have any further advice or news we will post this on our website.
Having followed the news closely, it does seem inevitable that schools will close at some point, however until we are directed to do so, it is business as usual. We are currently preparing work for each class for if and when this decision is made; all work will be uploaded to the school website, on a daily basis, in the children’s class files (this is why we have been asking who has internet access at home, so please do let us know). We will also endeavor to send home a blank exercise book for each child to record their work in; every day the class teachers will put up a daily schedule of activities for the children to complete, and will be available through class dojo if you have any concerns or queries, around the work or anything else.
In terms of the most current advice, the guidelines are the same: if you, your child or anyone in your household is presenting any of the symptoms (a high temperature and/or a new persistent cough), then 7-day isolation is the expectation. If this is the case, please let the Academy know as soon as possible. As things stand currently, we will not be setting work for children currently off – this is only in the case of school closure – however below is a link to the tts who have produced a free learning booklet  for each key-stage which can be downloaded and completed for children when schools do have to close:
Mr Nocera

We recommend
Advice to parents/carers – 16th March 2020
Advice to parents/carers – 16th March 2020
Advice to parents/carers – 16th March 2020