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It’s official, we are a ‘GOOD’ academy

We are incredibly proud that our academy has been rated GOOD in our latest Ofsted inspection. This highlights the outstanding work and dedication of our staff and pupils in making E-ACT Denham Green Academy a fantastic place to learn and grow.

The inspectors were delighted with what they saw when they were at our academy for two days.
They especially praised the pupil’s love for the school and the enthusiasm they have towards their lessons and learning

Take a look at some of the comments from the report:


“Leaders have planned an ambitious and engaging curriculum. They have sequenced learning well in all subjects, from Reception to Year 6. Leaders have made sure that teachers understand how pupils, including children in the early years, learn best”

Nurturing environment

“Pupils, including children in the Reception Year, feel happy and safe. Leaders regularly check in on how pupils fee”

Well-being and SEND

“Staff adapt learning and provide effective support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) so these pupils learn well ”


“Leaders have set their behaviour expectations out clearly. Pupils follow the ‘Denham Green way’ to behave in lessons and around the school. They are kind, honest and show great empathy to each other”


Ofsted Full Report

View our latest report OFSTED Report 2022

View our previous report here.

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Ofsted reports
Ofsted reports
Ofsted reports