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Dear parent/carer, 

I hope my message finds you and your family well. 

As we move towards partially re-opening our academy for the year groups chosen for early return by the government, we completely understand that many of you will be concerned about the safety of your child as they prepare to return.  

Please know that everything we are doing and every decision we make has at its centre, the safety and wellbeing of our pupils, staff and our wider community. This is why we have produced our ‘Supporting our children back to academy’ guide for parents and carers whose children are in nursery, reception, year 1 and Year 6. 

Our classrooms, communal spaces and everyday procedures are being transformed and will look markedly different when we re-open. Our guide outlines the main changes and safety measures we are taking to support and protect your child’s health and wellbeing.  

We are committed to taking a cautious and measured approach to re-opening our academy, in close consultation with the Department for Education, our staff and with you. I hope our guide will go some way to help alleviate any anxieties being felt at this time. 

We will also ensure that the children of our key workers and our most vulnerable pupils continue to have a safe place during the day, and our children at home have the support they need from their teachers. 

I also take this opportunity to thank those parents and carers who have completed our online questionnaire. We have noted the specific questions that have been asked and we have endeavoured to answer those in our guide. 

With your support, we will do everything we can to ensure that our pupils return to the safest possible environment. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with us in the usual way. 

Mr Nocera – Headteacher

Supporting Children

We recommend
Update from Headteacher 22nd May 2020
Update from Headteacher 22nd May 2020
Update from Headteacher 22nd May 2020