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Dear parent/carer  

I hope my message finds you and your family well. 

Further to my note to you last week in which I outlined our plans to stagger pupil returns to academy to reduce the number people in our building at any one time, I would like to reiterate that the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and staff remains our number one priority. 

It is for this reason that we have also taken the decision to re-open our academy from Monday 8 June at the earliest, instead of Monday 1 June, for our reception, year 1 and year 6 pupils. This is in line with the government’s guidance which has given schools and academies the flexibility to re-open from 1 June ‘at the earliest’ and when we are best placed to do so. 

Whilst we all understand the benefits of our children being back in their academywe’re also clear that for this to happen we must ensure that they have the safest possible conditions when they return.  

An additional week will give us the time we need to get our re-opening absolutely right, including more time with our staff to plan the detailed safety measures we are putting into place before our pupils return. 

It is also the case that government ministers are not due to make a final decision on their school reopening plans until 28 May, so it is important that we have enough time to take the appropriate actions in case the government should change their guidance at that late stage 

I hope parents and carers will understand our decision at this challenging time. I want to reassure you that with your support, we will do whatever we can to ensure that our children return to the safest possible environment when we re-open.  It would be much appreciated if you could complete the form on our website by mid day on 20th May. 

I thank you again for everything you are doing for our academy, and I will be sure to keep in close contact with you so you have all the information you need about our plans for re-opening.  

Yours sincerely, 

Mr Nocera

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