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On October 10th it was World Mental Health Day.   We celebrated the day by supporting the charity ‘YoungMinds’ and joining in with their ‘Hello Yellow campaign’.

During the day, Denham Green’s pupils and staff wore yellow to support the campaign which aimed to have as many people as possible across the country wearing the bright colour to show young people they’re not alone when it comes to mental health.

It was a pleasure to see so many children across the school supporting World Mental Health Day and the ‘Hello Yellow’ campaign.’

By wearing yellow, we wanted to show young people that everyone has mental health and that they are not alone if ever they are dealing with overwhelming feelings.

Here at Denham Green, we held an assembly to explain what mental health is, with a particular focus on the balanced importance between physical and mental health and how to recognise our feelings. We also took the opportunity to discuss all the people who can support us when something feels particularly tricky. We want children to know that however they are feeling, they are not alone.

Here at Denham Green we are committed to pupil wellbeing. Mrs Powell has set up a WOW (Working on Wellbeing) room this term. Children can visit if they ever need to talk. We are always encouraging and enabling our pupils to speak more frankly and freely about their feelings, which is, as evidence shows, the key to good mental health.

In November it is anti-bullying week. We will be doing lots of activities in class and during assemblies.  On November 14th we will be wearing blue in support of this.

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Supporting Young People’s Mental Health
Supporting Young People’s Mental Health
Supporting Young People’s Mental Health